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Operation Disk Drop & my personality paints a picture

Operation Disc Drop

One of my favourite blogs is “The hour’s blog” by George Stroumboulopoulos, every time I find something kool on the blog (which happens a lot) I always let you guys know about it. So here I go again but this time I’m hoping to get some feedback:

“There’s nothing more satisfying than sharing the joy of music. Disc Drop is your chance to turn a total stranger on to the tunes that changed your life. Who knows? Maybe you’ll change some-one else’s life while you’re at it.

STEP 1: Make a mixed CD of your favourite tunes. Somewhere on the disc write: “DISC DROP” Be sure to include a track-listing so people can track down more music by the artists on your disc.
STEP 2: Drop off your disc in a random public place.
STEP 3: Go to the “I Dropped a Disc – What Now”, click on the comments, and write down where you dropped off your disc and the track-listing. Check back later to find out who picked it up, and where it’s heading next.”

So ya let us know what’s on your disk and where you left it and YES for the grumpy people out there I know it asks you to write “disk” on it and yes “we’re just  giving George free advertising (blah,blah,blah…)”  relax, how can sharing be wrong?????  J

 I’m off to make a disk full of Radiohead B-sides
